About Cross Our Hearts

Cross Our Hearts is a story about a group of childhood friends, who've now grown and are trying to find their way in life. Despite their differences in age and personality, they've remained close. They've had to. Five years ago, they experienced the type of loss that left their group reeling. The death of a friend.  An oath was sworn and they had to deal with the guilt and consequences of that ever since.

Cross Our Hearts is a labour of love for Jessi and I. A coming of age story of a ficticious group of characters dealing with a mysterious and sudden loss. We hope you enjoy their tale and if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment in the posts.

And a note about comments. We believe in freedom of speech and love to hear constructive criticism. Hell, we don't even care if you tell us that you hate all of it. But if you deliberately troll, you will be hit with the Mallet of Loving Correction (the idea of which is from The Bloggess) set to Kitten settings (Thank you to John Scalzi for that one). Meaning if you troll, we reserve the right to change your comments to declarations of love for unicorns and rainbows. This setting will only put in place for blatant trolling, everything else will remain as you post it.

The story starts with Brian, found here.


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